Blogs, huh, what are they good for? Absolutely something.
August 13, 2024
Summary: How do blogs help companies boost visibility and sales? Through thought leadership and brand trust. Hire a marketing agency to write yours.
A company maintaining a monthly blog typically aims to achieve several key objectives:
- Brand Awareness and Visibility
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Customer Engagement and Education
- Lead Generation and Conversion
- Community Building
- Thought Leadership and Expertise Demonstration
“Thought Leadership” is a buzzword that refers to the practice of a company or individual positioning themselves as an authority in their industry or area of expertise. Thought leaders are recognized for their deep knowledge, innovative ideas, and ability to influence other people’s thinking. Sometimes, these folks are also called “SMEs” or Subject Matter Experts. It’s kind of like an Influencer, except instead of using their fame or clout (or stunning good looks) to attract customers, they use their extensive — and successful — experience in their field.
They often produce content such as articles, white papers, webinars, and blog posts that provide valuable insights, forecast trends, and address pressing issues in their industry or market sector. The goal of thought leadership is to establish credibility, build trust, and influence public perception, thereby creating a competitive advantage for the company or individual.
As a full-service marketing agency, we are often hired to write blogs for companies that have nothing to do with marketing. How do we provide helpful information on various topics related to their industry? A ton (and we do mean a ton) of research — on the industry, the trends, the topic, the company, the product, you get the idea. We even conduct interviews with company employees and members of their target audience.
You can see why it would take a long time for the company itself to do this work, and how hiring a marketing agency saves them time and money — and lets them get back to focusing on their own work so they can achieve the specific KPIs of their particular role in the company.
Marketing Blogs Are Different, and Here’s Why
With marketing, and marketing blogs, it’s a little bit different. If we spent our entire blog time (every month) talking about marketing tactics, who is our target audience?
Three Possible Categories:
- People who are going to market their own business?
- People who might google to ask a question like “what are digital ads” because they’re looking to hire someone to help them generate leads?
- People who have already hired Liquid Creative and are already clients of ours?
People in Category #3 don’t need marketing tips because they’ve hired us to handle their marketing for them. Using a blog to showcase our extensive marketing prowess doesn’t benefit them. They might need tips on how to work around a break in the manufacturing supply chain or roof material trends for the next year so they can plan their orders and keep a better eye on their budget.
We write for companies all the time. We research their audience, their product, their differentiators, search words their potential customers might use when looking for a company — and then we write a blog that will attract those potential clients and give them something of value that will help them in their current business. By doing this, month in and month out, we build trust in that brand and people start turning to them for answers to all sorts of questions — and, yes, more often than not, it eventually generates a lead that converts to a sale and creates a loyal customer.
For example, if we write a blog for a real estate company, we might talk about different kinds of seller and buyer agreements and what to look for before hiring an agent. If we write a blog for an insurance company, we might talk about recent federal and state legislation that will impact policies and premiums.
What Makes Sense for a Liquid Creative Blog?
When it comes to writing original content to house on our own website, only Category #2 makes sense for us as a marketing agency. So we plan to spend about half our time writing about topics that will answer common search questions for people and businesses looking to hire a marketing agency. But unless you’re planning to do your own marketing (Category #1), our writing every blog about marketing jargon or tips or strategies or services, doesn’t do much to help you. TBH, it doesn’t do much to help us either — although we might build trust in our brand and establish ourselves as Thought Leaders in the marketing industry, we’re certainly not attracting leads or making sales. And we have our own budget to keep an eye on. 👀
The other half of our blogs, though — including next month’s blog — are going to provide information that will help leaders and teams of nearly any company in any industry. That way, current Liquid clients and orgs that have their own marketing in hand will still have a reason to read our blogs. There’s still value to be added, and that’s our goal!
But first.
When to Hire a Marketing Agency and When to Do Your Own Marketing in House
For starters, maybe your company is large enough to house a marketing department. Maybe your company is also wealthy enough to afford to hire for every role a typical marketing agency offers. Good for them. We mean it.
Second, small businesses with one location and limited local reach often don’t need the volume of content and design work that requires a salaried position. By employing freelance writers and designers, businesses can pay by blog post or creative project instead. (We still don’t recommend asking Bob in accounting to write a blog in his spare time. Unless Bob is really, really good at writing blogs.)
But for the small businesses wanting to grow or the medium-to-large business without an in-house team, hiring a professional marketing agency is going to get you the best work for your money.
Best work in what? Well…
- Social media content creation
- Social media management
- Logo concepts
- Website build
- Newsletter creation
- Voiceover talent
- Email management
- Data management & reporting
- Proofreading
- PPC campaign management
- Research & writing
- Blogging
- Competitive & industry research
- Web maintenance
- Scriptwriting
- Presentation preparation
- Conference submissions
- Company branding
- Guest blog outreach
- Blog comment moderation
- Video production
- Email design
- Podcasting
- Graphic design
- Video editing
- Press release writing
- Public relations
- SEO optimization
- SEO site audit
- Photography
- Photo editing
- Editorial calendar management
- Infographic creation
- And more!
Best Marketing Agencies in Town
We wouldn’t leave you hanging without answering the question posed in this blog’s title: Blogs, huh, what are they good for? Absolutely something.
The something? Blogging can make a huge difference in how your website performs in search engines as long as you’re also utilizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO). By optimizing your blogs, more people will know your name, visit your site and make a purchase. At Liquid Creative, our SEO experts maximize your visibility and help get you on the first page of Google. Optimizing your blogs is one way we do it.
If you know you want to hire a marketing agency, we’re kinda partial to Liquid Creative. Based in Gainesville, Florida, we work with clients all over the state and across the country. That big list of work you read a minute ago? We do that.
At Liquid, we are an in-house team of Operations Managers, Account Managers, Strategists, Writers, Designers, and more — all working together to bring your ideas to life.
If you need marketing assistance to boost your brand and sales, we can help. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.