Facebook Launches Timeline for Pages
Facebook has taken it’s new Timeline layout to pages.
Facebook is bringing a significant change to the way businesses are displayed on Facebook by introducing Timeline for pages. The most obvious change is the layout. The cover photo will allow businesses to express their brand in a creative manner. The goal of the change is to give brands their identity, and to emotionally connect with users. Instead of brands pushing their product to users, Facebook is trying to connect brands and users with tools that will allow more of a connect and open communications with each other. Rather than the cookie cutter feed-like display you would normally get in a brands page, the cover photo, and the featured posts are among the elements that ve your brand its identity on Facebook. You can use Timeline to tell the story of your business. You can note ‘milestones’ on your page. Examples of milestones would be; the creation of your business, an evolution of your business, product announcements, major announcements, etc. All will be displayed in wide attractive images.
One interesting addition Timeline is bringing to pages is ‘pinned content’. Basically how this will work is it will pin a post to the top of your timeline that will act as your ‘post of the week’. It will remain above the fold over other newer posts until it is unpinned. This will allow for major postings (whether they be announcements, offers, etc) to remain the featured post. Brands can direct users to their landing pages and apps within their pinned posts as well.
Facebook is referring to Timeline for pages as a brands ‘Mission Control’. Administrators of pages will now have the ability to approve posts for users, and it now allows for direct messaging between Facebook users and brands. At the top of your page, when logged in as an admin, an administrative panel will drop down listing stats, messages, recent likes, click-thru’s, etc. Administrator permission levels are also being rolled out, giving users the appropriate level of administrative access to the admin panel of a page.
Timeline for pages is available now. It will be a mandatory change for all brand pages on March 30th.
Liquid Creative converted to the new Timeline this morning. We would love to share it with you, and encourage you to Like our page for future updates and to see how we utilize the new Timeline layout.